Some Quotes

* A man is not finished when he's defeated, he's finsihed when he quits.

* Dont start what you cant finish.

* People say "forget the past,forget the future and live for today". But i say "forget the past, think about the future inorder to live a better today".

* When you know you are good,you usually are.

* If you cant respect it then dont insult it.

* Dont let your past remind you of who you are,But let it be a part of who you become.

* It takes a lot of wrong answers to get to the right one.

* Its never over till its over.

* Just because you dont know something does not mean that it does not exist.

* A genius can never be a teacher as for a genius everything is commonsense.

* You dont throw away your life just because its banged up a little.

* Winning is not everything,it is the only thing.

* Its always good to be a self critic.

* Sometimes it takes more guts to walk away from a situation than to deal with it.

* People are always willing to give good advice when it comes to others problems.

* All stories have happy endings.If something bad has happened then that means that the story isnt over yet.

* Better be lucky than good.

* If you dont have the heart then your head doesnt matter.


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